Kitan von FalkenbergAlesia au Cheval Blanc
Reign Style
Prefered TitlesKingQueen
Home GroupPolitarchopolisPolitarchopolis
Personal Heraldry
Preferred ColoursGreen/BlackPurple/Red
Food and beverage preferencesNon-alcoholic: likes lemon and lime flavours, will drink anything

Alcoholic: Beer, cider, port
Non-alcoholic: just about anything that doesn't taste like Sarsaparilla

Alcoholic: White wine (not chardonnay), beer, cider, port, not whiskys
Foods to avoidMushrooms, egg (just a preference thing)Mango
Medical needs and AllergiesNoneMinor Asthma, should have ventolin inhaler somewhere close
Interests/EnjoysKitan loves the various combat arts of the society and making stuff in general, but particularly metalwork.Alesia also loves the combat arts of the society, particularly armoured combat and the equestrian arts. She delights in entertainments of all the kinds that are found in the Society and is particularly fond of games, the performance of courtly arts and the occasional rowdy chorus.