Expecting a Royal Visit? See the Royal Visit kit and the 42nd Crown Resources page.

Ratbot von Borg Katherine Kerr
Reign Style General first half 16th century Western Europe (German/Scots); black and white/silver livery; rat motifs, high pageantry with music, entertainments
Preferred Pronouns He She
Preferred Titles King Queen
Home Group Southron Gaard Southron Gaard
Persona culture/period Generic first half 1500s, German/Landsknecht-ish Venice/France 1520s-30s
Scottish Borders 1530s-70s
Livery Black and white/silver Reign: Black and white/silver
Personal garb: green, predominantly hunter green
Personal Heraldry

black/white rats; single-headed eagle displayed

white straight tower; white pointy-eared cur

white straight tower; white pointy-eared cur

Beverage preferences Likes: beer, wine, ciders, tea (white, 2 sugars)
Really likes: hot chocolate w/marshmallows & Cointreau
Likes: perry, cider, peach iced tea, mocha (no sugar)
Really dislikes: non-sugar sweeteners, eg stevia
Food and Snacks Eats most things
Nuts, chocolate, cheese, fruit
Will eat pretty much anything
Special likes: Torte Bianca (Martino’s white pie)
Roasted nuts, fruit (especially stonefruit)
Cheeses of all kinds
Interests/Enjoys Bladed combat (ie armoured and rapier)
Martial activities including archery and siege
Rose Tourneys, Pageantry and performance (period or perioid)
Period-style communications, written or printed
Music at court entrances/exits
Dislikes Looong stories , songs, sagas or poetry Feast Courts or any with poor lighting, use of mundane names/items at events, X-o-crat job titles, “Eric”, “Troll”
Medical needs and Allergies No food-related (penicillin, but OK with blue cheese) None apart from “SCA Time”
Gifts maker/donor-labelled items of small largesse; good humour and courtesy to all; scribal materials


Expecting a Royal Visit? See the Royal Visit kit and the 42nd Crown Resources page.